facial development

Myofunctional therapy is a form of exercise-based therapy that targets the muscles used in the mouth, face, and neck. It is designed to correct improper or dysfunctional oral habits and promote proper breathing, chewing, and swallowing.

While many people associate myofunctional therapy with adults seeking to address sleep apnea or other sleep-related issues, it is becoming increasingly recognized as an important treatment option for children as well.

Children are particularly susceptible to developing improper oral habits because their muscles and bones are still developing. Habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing can have a negative impact on their oral and overall health if left untreated. These habits can cause issues such as misaligned teeth, speech problems, and even sleep-disordered breathing.

Myofunctional therapy is an effective way to address these issues in children.

The exercises and techniques used in myofunctional therapy are designed to strengthen the muscles in the mouth, face, and neck and promote proper oral habits. By correcting these habits early on, children can avoid more serious issues down the road.

Here are some of the specific benefits of myofunctional therapy for children:

Correcting improper oral habits: Myofunctional therapy can help children break habits like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing. These habits can cause issues with speech, tooth alignment, and even sleep, so it's important to address them early.

Improving speech: Many speech problems are caused by improper oral habits. Myofunctional therapy can help children develop proper oral posture and muscle tone, which can improve their speech.

Enhancing overall health: Proper breathing is essential for good health, and myofunctional therapy can help children breathe properly. By strengthening the muscles involved in breathing, children can improve their overall health and well-being.

Promoting healthy sleep: Sleep-disordered breathing is a common issue in children, and it can have serious consequences if left untreated. Myofunctional therapy can help children breathe properly while they sleep, which can improve their sleep quality and reduce the risk of issues like snoring and sleep apnea.

In conclusion, myofunctional therapy is an important treatment option for children. By addressing improper oral habits early on, children can avoid more serious issues down the road and improve their overall health and well-being.

If you have concerns about your child's oral habits or sleep, call today for your free consultation to see if this treatment option is right for your child. (316)689-4229 www.myofunctionaltherapyofkansas.com  

Dalanna Hanson

Dalanna Hanson

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